These bonds are issued immediately. In most cases, you will receive your new bond in an email as an Adobe pdf attachment within one hour after submission, provided that all of the required information is complete. An original copy of your new bond will be forwarded to your email address.
The bond amount is $5,000. Bond guarantees compliance with California Tax Education Council standards, and guarantees principal, while acting as a tax preparer, shall cause no damages to any person by reason of misstatement, misrepresentation, fraud, deceit, or any unlawful acts or omissions.
Pursuant to Section 22250 (e) (1) of the California Business and Professions Code, a tax preparer may not conduct business without having a current surety bond in the amount of $5,000.
Pursuant to Section 22252 of the California Business and Professions Code, prior to rendering any tax preparation services, a tax preparer shall provide the customer, in writing, with the tax preparers name, address, telephone number and evidence of compliance with the bonding requirement.
Section 22255 of the California Business and Professions Code prevents CTEC from issuing a Statement of Completion if a current bond company, bond number, and bond expiration/anniversary date is not submitted.